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Easy wins on the Sunshine Coast - Aug 2012

Senior golfers from across Australia have come together to enjoy some amazing weather on the Sunshine Coast on two separate tours. Staying at Clubb Coolum Apartments there has not been a cloud in the sky the whole 3 weeks.

Sunshine Coast 2 Winners

The second tour has experienced some slight winds, but the weather has been ideal for golf and we feel very lucky being away from the colder southern states. The second tour saw Allen Wilson (Hcp 19) from NSW Golf Club and Judy Stuart (Hcp 27) from Concord Golf Club have very comfortable wins from their nearest rival. They both were clearly the best Man & Lady golfer over the 6 rounds we played. 

On the first tour Geoff Hodge (Hcp 17) from South Lakes Golf Club seem to fix his putting woes and shot to a 13 shot lead in the last three rounds to take out the mens division ahead of Ken Murden from The Lakes. Cheryl Ward (Hcp 11) from North Ryde Golf Club held off strong challenges from Pat Grzetic and Fay Hunter both of Bankstown Golf Club to win by 8 shots. Congratulations to everyone who attended and enjoyed the sublime weather on the Sunshine Coast.  Geoff & Cheryl have their entry fees paid for to the AVGA Christmas Day to be held at Twin Creeks Golf Club in Leddenham, Sydney on Monday 19 November 

Posted Thursday 16 August 2012


Thank you - Thank you - for taking me to these beautiful places !

Everything runs like clockwork

We would never have envisaged playing on these courses without your organisation

I do not believe I could do it privately for the same price! 

I have made lifelong friends through AVGA GOLF





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P O Box 1112
Menai, NSW, 2234 Australia

Jan for Flights: (02) 9541 4178

Terry for Golf:  0415 416 197

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